Webinar Courses
7 Practical Tools for Interpreters
Date: Tuesday February 25
Time: 6:00 PM (CST)
Duration: 60 min
Like most other professions, it is often what you are NOT taught in a classroom that makes you a successful interpreter. But what are the things that seasoned, successful interpreters wish they’d known when first starting their careers? What are the practical skills a mentor would teach you?
In this approachable webinar, you will be introduced to Cynthia Mauleón and what she sees as the practical side of interpreting: how to create a support system, how to build your reference collection, what to wear (or not wear) to an interpreting assignment, how to take care of yourself on the job.
After this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify several non-linguistic tools for the interpreter “tool box”
- Describe a basic set of interpreter reference tools, including several websites
- Understand how to create an interpreter resource network
- Identify several elements of an interpreter self-care plan
Cost: $10 (admin fee only)
Basic Anatomy and Body Systems
Date: Saturday March 15
Time: 10:00 AM (CST)
Duration: 120 min
After this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify the difference between anatomy and physiology
- Know the main body systems and their functions
- Know the organs and their functions
- Identify the principal bones and muscles
- Begin to develop their glossary of anatomy terminology
Cost: $50
Interpreting Medications & Other Treatments
Date: Coming Soon
Duration: 120 min
Finding our Way Through the Labyrinth: Healthcare and Social Services Concepts
Date: Coming Soon
Duration: 120 min
Meet Your Instructor
Cynthia Mauleón served as a medical interpreter for thirty years, including working with Cuban refugees for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and interpreting for a medical team in a Mayan village. Mauleón has experience both as a staff interpreter and interpreter supervisor for a regional trauma hospital, and has trained interpreters who speak more than 100 languages. She lived and worked in Mexico for thirteen years and holds a BA in International Studies from the American University in Washington, D.C.. She studied interpreting at the Universidad de las Américas in Puebla, Mexico, and at the University of Minnesota. Cynthia is the author of Terminology Workbook for Medical Interpreters. In addition to interpreting, Cynthia is a writer, blogger and Healing Touch practitioner. She can be reached at cynthiamauleon.com.